The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1)


  1. (1827-1836) The Messenger of the Lord in Our Midst

  2. (1836-1843) Abrupt Changes in Ellen’s Life

  3. (1844) 1844–The Year of Expectation and Disappointments

  4. (1844-1845) Make It Known to Others

  5. (1845) The Messenger of the Lord at Work

  6. (1845-1846) Sustained in a Continued Ministry

  7. (1846-1847) Entering Married Life

  8. (1847-1848) Laying the Foundations

  9. (1848) The Sabbath and Sanctuary Conferences and the Development of Doctrines

10. (1848-1849) Heaven-directed Travels and Important Visions

11. (1849) Beginning to Publish

12. (1850) The Summer the Tide Turned

13. (1851) The First Winter of “The Gathering Time”

14. (1851) Mixed Experiences in “The Gathering Time”

15. (1852) Girding Up for a Mighty Thrust

16. (1845-1852) The Shut and the Open Doors

17. (1852-1853) The Message Pushes to the West

18. (1854) Nurturing the Developing Church

19. (1854-1855) Through Hours of Darkness

20. (1855) Settling Administrative and Theological Questions

21. (1856) Working in a Changed Atmosphere

22. (1856) Soul-shaking Experiences for the Ministers and Laity

23. (1857) A Year of Many Visions

24. (1858) The Great Controversy Vision and Broader Concepts

25. (1858-1859) Financial Support for the Cause of God

26. (1859) Through 1859 With Ellen White’s Diary

27. (1860) The Opening of the Year of Little Joy

28. (1860) Initial Steps in Church Organization

29. (1861) Pointed Reproof and Heartfelt Confessions

30. (1861) The Struggle for Church Organization Continues

31. (1861) The Clouds of War

32. (1862) The Year 1862 Closes on an Upbeat

  A. A Geneological Chart of Ellen Gould Harmon White

  B. The Experience of William Ellis Foy

  C. Stephen Smith and the Unopened Testimony