The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 (vol. 3)


  1. (1876) A Whirl of Activity

  2. (1876) Writing on the Life of Christ

  3. (1876) The Camp Meetings

  4. (1876-1877) A Winter of Writing and Publishing

  5. (1877) In the East Again

  6. (1877-1878) Priority One–James White’s Health

  7. (1878) The Tide Turns

  8. (1878-1879) The Winter in Northern Texas

  9. (1879) From the Red River to Battle Creek

10. (1879) Surging to a High Point in Ministry

11. (1880) Difficult Times

12. (1880) The Changing of the Guard

13. (1881) Wrestling With the Problems of Retirement

14. (1881) The Tired Warrior at Rest

15. (1881-1882) Alone, So Alone–Yet Not Alone

16. (1882) The Year Battle Creek College Closed

17. (1883) Immersed in Book Production

18. (1883) The Spirit of Prophecy Challenged

19. (1883) A Changing Battle Creek–the College Opens

20. (1884) Completing the Work on The Great Controversy

21. (1884) Reversing the Tide in the Pacific Northwest

22. (1884) The Eastern Camp Meetings and D. M. Canright

23. (1885) Invitation to Visit Europe

24. (1885) The Meeting of the European Missionary Council

25. (1885) A Visit to Scandinavia

26. (1885-1886) In Italy and Switzerland

27. (1886) Second Trip Through Scandinavia

28. (1887) Ellen White’s Last Year in Europe

29. (1887-1888) Back Home in America

30. (1888) The Potential of the 1888 General Conference Session

31. (1888) Minneapolis and Its Diverse Fruits

32. (1888-1889) Taking the Message of Minneapolis to the Churches

33. (1888-1889) Advances in Book Production

34. (1889-1890) The 1889 General Conference Session and Beyond

35. (1890-1891) Five Months of Arduous Labor Yields Fruit

36. (1890-1891) The Last Year Before Australia

  A. The Weight of Evidence