Child Guidance


   . Foreword

   . To the Reader

  1. Importance of the Home School

  2. The First Teachers

  3. When to Begin the Child’s Training

  4. Methods of Teaching

  5. The Bible as a Textbook

  6. The Book of Nature

  7. Practical Lessons from Nature’s Book

  8. Preparation is Needed

  9. A Call for Self-Improvement

10. The Key to Happiness and Success

11. To be Taught from Babyhood

12. Obedience Must Become a Habit

13. Self-Control

14. Quietness, Respect, and Reverence

15. Care in Handling Property

16. Health Principles

17. Cleanliness

18. Neatness, Order, and Regularity

19. Purity

20. Helpfulness

21. Industry

22. Diligence and Perseverance

23. Self-Denial, Unselfishness, and Thoughtfulness

24. Economy and Thrift

25. Simplicity

26. Courtesy and Reserve

27. Cheerfulness and Thankfulness

28. Truthfulness

29. Honesty and Integrity

30. Self-Reliance and Sense of Honor

31. Importance of Character

32. How Character is Formed

33. Parental Responsibility in Character Formation

34. Ways in Which Character is Ruined

35. How Parents May Build Strong Characters

36. Advantage of the Early Years

37. The Power of Habit

38. Study Age, Disposition, and Temperament

39. The Will a Factor in Success

40. Exemplify Christian Principles

41. Objectives of Discipline

42. The Time to Begin Discipline

43. Discipline in the Home

44. Administration of Corrective Discipline

45. With Love and Firmness

46. Evils of Indulgence

47. Lax Discipline and its Fruitage

48. The Child’s Reaction

49. Attitude of Relatives

50. What Comprises True Education

51. Preparing for School

52. Choosing the School

53. The Church’s Responsibility

54. Teachers and Parents in Partnership

55. Unity in Discipline

56. Academy and College Training

57. Exercise and Health

58. Training for Practical Life

59. Teaching Useful Trades

60. Knowledge of and Obedience to the Laws of Life

61. The Homemaker in the Kitchen

62. Eating to Live

63. Temperance in All Things

64. The Home and the Temperance Crusade

65. The Blessings of Proper Dress

66. Teaching the Fundamental Principles of Dress

67. The Fascinating Power of Fashion

68. Prevalence of Corrupting Vices

69. Effects of Harmful Practices

70. Cautions and Counsels

71. Parental Vigilance and Help

72. The Battle for Reform

73. Responsibility for Eternal Interests

74. Every Home a Church

75. Leading Little Children to Christ

76. Preparing for Church Membership

77. The Bible in the Home

78. The Power of Prayer

79. Sabbath–The Day of Delight

80. Reverence for that which is Holy

81. Co-Ordination of Home and Church

82. The Hour is Late

83. The Rewards