Christian Leadership


   . Preface

  1. Importance of Organization

  2. Management

  3. Christian Leadership

  4. Kindness, Tenderness, Sympathy

  5. Loyalty

  6. Humility

  7. Integrity

  8. Ability

  9. Envy

10. Confidence

11. Influence

12. Home Responsibilty

13. Individuality

14. Authority

15. Dictatorship

16. Not to Control Other Men’s Lives

17. Teamwork

18. Delegating

19. Decision Making

20. Choosing Personnel

21. Training Leaders

22. Criticism

23. Cooperation

24. Reproving Wrong

25. Self-Discipline

26. Self-Improvement

27. Majoring in Minors

28. Committee Meetings

29. Finances

30. Courage

31. Health

32. Trusting God