Testimonies for the Church, Volume 6

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  1. God’s Purpose in the Church

  2. The Work for This Time

  3. Extension of the Work in Foreign Fields

  4. The Campmeeting

  5. After the Campmeeting

  6. Less Preaching and More Teaching

  7. Ministerial Institutes

  8. Baptism

  9. The Building of Meetinghouses

10. Children’s Meetings and Church Schools

11. The Temperance Work

12. Object Lessons in Health Reform

13. Women to be Gospel Workers

14. Teaching Home Religion

15. Meeting Opposition

16. Parable of the Straying Sheep

17. The Need of Educational Reform

18. Hindrances to Reform

19. Character and Work of Teachers

20. Words From A Heavenly Instructor

21. School Homes

22. Industrial Reform

23. The Avondale School Farm

24. Church Schools

25. School Management and Finance

26. God’s Design in Our Sanitariums

27. The Physician’s Work for Souls

28. Unity in Our Work

29. Responsibilities of Medical Workers

30. The World’s Need

31. The Church’s Need

32. Our Duty to the Household of Faith

33. Our Duty to the World

34. The Care of Orphans

35. The Med Miss Work and the 3rd Angel’s Message

36. Neglect by the Church and the Ministry

37. The Reward of Service

38. Canvassing

39. Showing Hospitality

40. The Observance of the Sabbath

41. A Revival in Health Reform

42. The Importance of Voice Culture

43. Giving to God His Own

44. Christ in All the Bible

45. Our Attitude Toward the Civil Authorities

46. God’s word to Be Supreme

47. Preparation for the Final Crisis

48. Young Men in the Ministry

49. The Church and the Ministry

50. The Home Missionary Work

51. The Increase of Facilities

52. Help for Mission Fields

53. The Publishing House in Norway

54. Our Danish Sanitarium

55. The Relief of Our Schools

56. The Claim of Redemption