Welfare Ministry


   . Foreword

  1. Why Poverty and Distress?

  2. Christ’s Sympathy for Suffering HumanityIsaiah 58—A Divine Prescription

  4. This is Pure Religion

  5. The Parable of the Good Samaritan

  6. Our Example in Welfare Ministry

  7. Visitation—The New Testament Plan

  8. Dorcas—Her Ministry and its Influence

  9. Types of Work in Neighborhood EvangelismKindness the Key to Hearts

11. How to Visit and What to Do

12. The Effectiveness of Visitation Evangelism

13. Organizing the Church for Welfare Ministry

14. In the Footsteps of the Master

15. Medical Ministry in the Homes

16. Preparing for Last-Day Crises and Disaster

17. Women Called to the Work

18. Qualifications of Women for Service

19. The Influence of Christian Women

20. Ministry to the Poor

21. The Poor in the Church

22. The Poor of the World

23. Helping the Poor to Help Themselves

24. Poor to Exercise Benevolence

25. Our Duty to the Unfortunate

26. Help and Encouragement for Widows

27. The Care of Orphans

28. Adopting Children

29. The Care of the Aged

30. Our Responsibility to the Blind

31. Working for Outcasts

32. Cautions Sounded

33. The Call for a Balanced Work

34. Our Individual Responsibility

35. Releasing the Streams of Benevolence

36. Specific Funds for Welfare Work

37. The Wealth of the Gentiles

38. Food Sales

39. Forbidden Money-Raising Methods

40. The Influence of Neighborhood Ministry

41. Reflex Blessings

42. The Present and Eternal Rewards

. Appendix