Wicliffe and His Times or Advent of Protestantism


  1. Wicliffe: His Birth and Education

  2. Wicliffe, and the Pope’s Encroachments on England

  3. Wicliffe’s Battle with Rome for England’s Independence

  4. Wicliffe’s Battle with the Mendicant Friars

  5. The Friars Versus the Gospel in England

  6. The Battle of the Parliament With the Pope

  7. Persecution of Wicliffe By the Pope and the Hierarchy

  8. Hierarchical Persecution of Wicliffe Resumed

  9. Wicliffe’s Views on Church Property and Church Reform

10. The Translation of the Scriptures

11. Wicliffe and Transubstantiation

12. Wicliffe’s Appeal to Parliament

13. Wicliffe Before Convocation in Person

14. Wicliffe’s Last Days

15. Wicliffe’s Theological and Church System