3. Pope Adrian and his Scheme of Reform
4. Pope Clement and the Nuremberg Diet
5. Nuremberg
6. The Ratisbon League and Reformation
7. Luther’s Views on the Sacrament and Image-worship
9. The Battle of Pavia and its Influence on Protestantism
10. Diet at Spires and League Against the emperor
11. The Sack of Rome
12. Organization of the Lutheran Church
13. Constitution of the Church of Hesse
18. The Emperor, the Turk, and the Reformation
19. Meeting Between the Emperor and Pope at Bologna
20. Preparations for the Augsburg Diet
21. Arrival of the Emperor at Augsburg and Opening of the Diet
22. Luther in the Coburg and Melanchthon at the Diet
23. Reading of the Augsburg Confession
24. After the Diet of Augsburg
25. Attempted Refutation of the Confession
26. End of the Diet of Augsburg