Christ’s Object Lessons


   . Preface

  1. Teaching in Parables

  2. “The Sower Went Forth to Sow”

  3. “First the Blade, then the Ear”

  4. Tares

  5. “Like a Grain of Mustard Seed”

  6. Other Lessons from Seed-Sowing

  7. “Like unto Leaven”

  8. Hidden Treasure

  9. The Pearl

10. The Net

11. “Things New and Old”

12. Asking to Give

13. Two Worshipers

14. “Shall Not God Avenge His Own?”

15. “This Man Receiveth Sinners”

16. “Lost and Is Found”

17. “Spare It This Year Also”

18. “Go into the Highways and Hedges”

19. The Measure of Forgiveness

20. Gain That Is Loss

21. “A Great Gulf Fixed”

22. Saying and Doing

23. The Lord’s Vineyard

24. Without a Wedding Garment

25. Talents

26. “Friends by the Mammon of Unrighteousness”

27. “Who Is My Neighbor?”

28. The Reward of Grace

29. “To Meet the Bridegroom”