1889 Topeka Campmeeting Sermons


  1. The Adventists Celebrate the Seventh Day at Ottawa, Elder Jones’ Sermon

  2. Afternoon Services – Sermon by Elder Gates

  3. Evils of Religious Legislation, Sermon by Elder Jones

  4. The Institute: Questions and Answers on Elder Jones’ Sermon

  5. An Interesting Discourse: Sermon by Elder A. T. Jones

  6. Religious Legislation: Sermon by Elder Jones

  7. Evils of Religious Legislation Part II: Sermon by Elder Jones

  8. The Church, the Body of Christ: Sermon, by Elder Jones

  9. Evils of Religious Legislation Part III: Elder Jones

10. Evils of Religious Legislation Part IV: Elder Jones and Bible Reading by Elder K. H. Porter

11. Mrs. White Arrives

12. The Morning Institute: Elder Jones – The Second Angel’s Message

13. The Evening Lecture: Elder Jones

14. A Cloudy Day, but a Very Busy one at Forest Park

15. The Morning Lecture: Elder A. T. Jones

16. Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White

17. The Afternoon Sermon: Elder Jones

18. The Evening Lecture: Elder Jones

19. Rain and Mud Tend to Prevent Outside Attendance

20. The Morning Lecture: Elder Jones

21. The Morning Institute: Elder Smith Sharp “The Present Outlook of Prophecy”

22. The Afternoon Sermon: Elder Jones “Church Government”

23. The Evening Lecture: Elder Jones

24. Much Rain and Mud, but and Increase of Visitors

25. The Sabbath Morning Sermon: Elder A. T. Jones “Seek Ye First His Righteousness”

26. Elder Jones’ Evening Lecture: “The Evils of the Union of Church and State”

27. The Sermon on Righteousness: Elder Jones

28. Summary of May 14

29. Final Sermon of Church Government: Elder Jones

30. Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White: “The Old, Old Story”

31. Beginning of the Workers Meetings

32. The Sermon on Righteousness by Elder Jones

33. Sermon by Mrs. E. G. White

34. Sermon by Elder Jones: “The Choosing of Church Officers”

35. Summary of May 16

36. Church Organization: Elder Jones – “The Role of Elders and Deacons”

37. The Evening Sermon: Elder Jones

38. The Children’s Meetings Begin

39. Keeping the Commandments: Elder Willie C. White

40. Stormy Day Interferes with the Meetings

41. Lecture on Church Organization: Elder Jones

42. The Third Sabbath in Camp: An Interesting Kindergarten

43. The Sabbath School

44. The Evil Effect of Sunday Laws: Elder Jones

45. The Last Lecture on Church Organization: Elder Jones

46. Elder Jones Leaves to Attend another Camp Meeting

47. Closing Lecture of Elder Jones

48. The Gifts and Calling of God: Mrs. E. G. White

49. Sermon by W. W. Prescott

50. The Closing Scene: A Baptism