Cross-Reference Chart

Ellen G. White Books

     E N G L I S H        F R A N Ç A I S        E S P A Ñ O L        P O R T U G U Ê S  
 Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 
 Pour un bon Équilibre Mental et Spirituel Volume 1 
 Mente, Carácter y Personalidad 1 
 Mente, Caráter e Personalidade 1 
 Mente, Carácter y Personalidad 1 
 Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 
 Pour un bon Équilibre Mental et Spirituel Volume 2 
 Mente, Carácter y Personalidad 2 
 Mente, Caráter e Personalidade 2 
 Mente, Carácter y Personalidad 2 
 Selected Messages, Book 1 
 Messages choisis Volume 1 
 Mensajes Selectos, Tomo 1 
 Mensagens Escolhidas 1 
 Selected Messages, Book 2 
 Messages choisis Volume 2 
 Mensajes Selectos, Tomo 2 
 Mensagens Escolhidas 2 
 Selected Messages, Book 3 
 Mensajes Selectos, Tomo 3 
 Mensagens Escolhidas 3 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 1 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 1 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 2 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 2 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 3 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 3 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 4 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 4 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 4 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 5 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 5 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 5 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 6 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 6 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 7 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 7 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 7 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 8 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 8 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 8 
 Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 
 Testimonios para la Iglesia, Tomo 9 
 Testemunhos para a Igreja, 9 
 Testimony Treasures Volume 1 
 Témoignages pour l'Église Volume 1 
 Joyas de los Testimonios, Tomo 1 
 Testemunhos Seletos 1 
 Testimony Treasures Volume 2 
 Témoignages pour l'Église Volume 2 
 Joyas de los Testimonios, Tomo 2 
 Testemunhos Seletos 2 
 Testimony Treasures Volume 3 
 Témoignages pour l'Église Volume 3 
 Joyas de los Testimonios, Tomo 3 
 Testemunhos Seletos 3 
 The Acts of the Apostles 
 Conquérants Pacifiques 
 Los Hechos de los Apóstoles 
 Atos dos Apóstolos 
 A Call To Stand Apart 
 God's Amazing Grace 
 Puissance de la Grâce 
 La Maravillosa Gracia de Dios 
 A Maravilhosa Graça de Deus 
 The Adventist Home 
 Le Foyer Chrétien 
 El Hogar Cristiano 
 O Lar Adventista 
 The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary Volume 7A 
 Commentaires Bibliques d’Ellen G. White 
 To Be Like Jesus 
 Ser Semejante a Jesús 
 Jesus, Meu Modelo 
 Conflict and Courage 
 Conflicto y Valor 
 Vidas que Falam 
 Counsels for the Church 
 Conseils á L'Église 
 Consejos para la Iglesia 
 Conselhos para a Igreja 
 Counsels on Diet and Foods 
 Conseils sur la Nutrition et les Aliments 
 Consejos Sobre el Régimen Alimenticio 
 Conselhos sobre o Regime Alimentar 
 Christian Education 
 Conselhos sobre Educação 
 Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White 
 Vida e Ensinos 
 The Colporteur Evangelist 
 Le Colporteur Évangéliste 
 El Colportor Evangélico 
 O Colportor Evangelista 
 Child Guidance 
 Conducción del Niño 
 Orientação da Criança 
 Counsels on Health 
 Consejos Sobre la Salud 
 Conselhos sobre Saúde 
 Christian Leadership 
 Liderazgo Cristiano 
 Liderança Cristã 
 Christian Service 
 Instructions pour un service chrétien effectif 
 Servicio Cristiano 
 Serviço Cristão 
 Christ in His Sanctuary 
 Christ dans son Sanctuaire 
 Cristo en Su Santuario 
 Cristo em Seu Santuário 
 Country Living 
 De la Cuidad al Campo 
 Vida no Campo 
 Colporteur Ministry 
 Mensageiros da Esperança 
 Christ’s Object Lessons 
 Les Paraboles de Jésus 
 Palabras de Vida del Gran Maestro 
 Parábolas de Jesus 
 No Deserto da Tentação 
 Cristo Nuestro Salvador 
 Counsels on Stewardship 
 Conseils á L'Économe 
 Consejos sobre Mayordomía Cristiana 
 Conselhos sobre Mordomia 
 A Call to Stand Apart 
 Um Convite à Diferença 
 Counsels on Sabbath School Work 
 Conseils pour l’École du Sabbat 
 Consejos Sobre la Obra de la Escuela Sabatica 
 Conselhos sobre a Escola Sabatina 
 Conselhos sobre a Escola Sabatina 
 Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 
 Conseils aux éducateurs, aux parents et aux étudiants 
 Consejos para los Maestros 
 Conselhos aos Professores, Pais e Estudantes 
 Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene 
 Tempérance Chrétienne 
 Christ Triumphant 
 El Cristo Triunfante 
 Cristo Triunfante 
 Counsels to Writers and Editors 
 El otro Poder 
 O Outro Poder 
 The Desire of Ages 
 El Deseado de Todas las Gentes 
 O Desejado de Todas as Nações 
 Daughters of God 
 Hijas de Dios 
 Filhas de Deus 
 Hijas de Dios 
 La Educación 
 La Educación 
 Ellen G. White in Europe 1885-1887, By D. A. Delafield 
 Elena G. de White en Europa 
 El Evangelismo 
 Early Writings 
 Premiers Écrits 
 Primeros Escritos 
 Primeiros Escritos 
 Fundamentos do Lar Cristão 
 Fundamentals of Christian Education 
 La Educación Cristiana 
 Fundamentos da Educação Cristã 
 The Faith I Live By 
 La Fe por la Cual Vivo 
 A Fé Pela Qual Eu Vivo 
 Faith and Works 
 La foi qui oeuvre 
 Fe y Obras 
 Fé e Obras 
 The Great Controversy (1911) 
 Vers un meilleur Avenir 
 El Conflicto de los Siglos 
 O Grande Conflito 
 The Great Controversy (1888) 
 La Tragédie des Siècles 
 El Conflicto de los Siglos 
 O Grande Conflito (condensado) 
 The Great Hope (Adapted) 
 Le Grand Espoir -- 3e édition 
 La Gran Esperanza 
 A Grande Esperança 
 Gospel Workers (1915) 
 Le Ministère Évangélique 
 Obreros Evangélicos 
 Obreiros Evangélicos 
 Gospel Workers (1892) 
 In Heavenly Places 
 En los Lugares Celestiales 
 Nos Lugares Celestiais 
 La Segunda Venida y el Cielo 
 Visões do Céu 
 El Conflicto Inminente 
 Last Day Events 
 Événements des derniers jours 
 Eventos de los Últimos Días 
 Eventos Finais 
 Eventos de los Últimos Días 
 Lift Him Up 
 Exaltad a Jesús 
 Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 
 Notas biográficas de Elena G. de White 
 Letters to Young Lovers 
 Cartas a Jóvenes Enamorados 
 Cartas a Jovens Namorados 
 Maranatha le Seigneur vient 
 Maranata: El Señor Viene 
 Maranata -- O Senhor Vem! 
 ¡Maranata: El Senor Viene! 
 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing 
 Heureux ceux qui 
 El Discurso Maestro de Jesucristo 
 O Maior Discurso de Cristo 
 The Ministry of Healing 
 Le Ministère de la Guérison 
 El Ministerio de Curación 
 A Ciência do Bom Viver 
 A Ciência do Bom Viver (condensado) 
 My Life Today 
 Avec Dieu chaque jour 
 Minha Consagração Hoje 
 Medical Ministry 
 El Ministerio Médico 
 Medicina e Salvação 
 La Música 
 Música -- Sua Influência na Vida do Cristão 
 Ministry to the Cities 
 Un Ministerio Para Las Ciudades 
 Messages to Young People 
 Messages à la Jeunesse 
 Mensajes para los Jóvenes 
 Mensagens aos Jovens 
 Mensajes para los Jóvenes 
 Só para Jovens 
 A New Life 
 Reavivamientos Modernos 
 Reavivamento e seus Resultados 
 Our Father Cares 
 Dios nos Cuida 
 Cuidado de Deus 
 Our High Calling 
 Nuestra Elevada Vocacion 
 Nossa Alta Vocação 
 Pastoral Ministry 
 El Ministerio Pastoral 
 Promises for the Last Days 
 Promesas para los últimos días 
 Prophets and Kings 
 Prophètes et Rois 
 Profetas y Reyes 
 Profetas e Reis 
 The Publishing Ministry 
 El Ministerio de Publicaciones 
 Patriarchs and Prophets 
 Patriarches et Prophètes 
 Historia de los Patriarcas y Profetas 
 Patriarcas e Profetas 
 Historia de los Patriarcas y Profetas 
 La Oración 
 La Oración 
 Reflecting Christ 
 Reflejemos a Jesús 
 Refletindo a Cristo 
 The Retirement Years 
 Conselhos aos Idosos 
 Steps to Christ 
 Le Meilleur Chemin 
 El Camino a Cristo 
 Caminho a Cristo (nova edição) 
 Vers Jésus 
 Caminho a Cristo 
 Sons and Daughters of God 
 Fils et filles de Dieu 
 Hijos e Hijas de Dios 
 Filhos e Filhas de Deus 
 The Story of Jesus 
 La Única Esperanza 
 Vida de Jesus 
 The Sanctified Life 
 La vie sanctifiée 
 La Edificación del Carácter 
 The Story of Redemption 
 L'histoire de la Rédemption 
 La Historia de la Redención 
 História da Redenção 
 The Truth About Angels 
 La Verdad acerca de los Angeles 
 A Verdade sobre os Anjos 
 This Day With God 
 Cada Día con Dios 
 Este Dia com Deus 
 La Temperancia 
 Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 
 Testimonios para los Ministros 
 Testemunhos para Ministros e Obreiros Evangélicos 
 That I May Know Him 
 Pour mieux connaître Jésus-Christ 
 A Fin de Conocerle 
 Para Conhecê-lo 
 A Fin de Conocerle 
 Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 
 Conseils sur la Conduite sexuelle L'adultère et le Divorce 
 Testimonios Acerca de Conducta Sexual, Adulterio y Divorcio 
 Testemunhos Sobre Conduta Sexual, Adultério e Divórcio 
 Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work 
 Témoignages sur l'École du Sabbat 
 The Upward Look 
 Levez vos yeux en haut 
 Alza tus Ojos 
 Olhando Para O Alto 
 The Voice in Speech and Song 
 La Voz: Su Educación y Uso Correcto 
 Welfare Ministry 
 Le ministère de la bienfaisance 
 El Ministerio de la Bondad 
 Beneficência Social 
 Woman of Vision 
 Elena de White: Mujer de Visión 
 Ye Shall Receive Power 
 Vous recevrez une Puissance 
 Recibiréis Poder 
 E Recebereis Poder 

     E N G L I S H        F R A N Ç A I S        E S P A Ñ O L        P O R T U G U Ê S  
 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials: Volume 1 
 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials: Volume 2 
 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials: Volume 3 
 The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials: Volume 4 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 1 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 3 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 4 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 6 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7 
 S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 7A 
 Volume 1--The Early Years: 1827-1862 
 Volume 2--The Progressive Years: 1862-1876 
 Volume 3--The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 
 Volume 4--The Australian Years: 1891-1900 
 Volume 5--The Early Elmshaven Years: 1900-1905 
 Volume 6--The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 
 Manuscript Releases Volume One          [Nos. 19-96] 
 Manuscrits Inédits (19-96) Tome 1 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Two          [Nos. 97-161] 
 Manuscrits Inédits (97-161) Tome 2 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Three        [Nos. 162-209] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Four         [Nos. 210-259] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Five         [Nos. 260-346] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Six          [Nos. 347-418] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Seven        [Nos. 419-525] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Eight        [Nos. 526-663] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Nine         [Nos. 664-770] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Ten          [Nos. 771-850] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Eleven       [Nos. 851-920] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Twelve       [Nos. 921-999] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Thirteen     [Nos. 1000-1080] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Fourteen     [Nos. 1081-1135] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Fifteen      [Nos. 1136-1185] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Sixteen      [Nos. 1186-1235] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Seventeen    [Nos. 1236-1300] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Eighteen     [Nos. 1301-1359] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Nineteen     [Nos. 1360-1419] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Twenty       [Nos. 1420-1500] 
 Manuscript Releases Volume Twenty-one   [Nos. 1501-1598] 
 Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library Vol. 1 
 Notebook Leaflets from the Elmshaven Library Vol. 2 
 Redemption Or The First Advent Of Christ With His Life And Ministry 
 2Red                 Redemption; or the Temptation of Christ in The Wilderness                      (1877)
 3Red                 Redemption: Or the Miracles of Christ, the Mighty One                          (1877)
 4Red                 Redemption: or the Teachings of Christ, the Anointed One                       (1877)
 5Red                 Redemption Or The Sufferings Of Christ His Trial And Crucifixion               (1877)
 6Red                 Redemption: or the Resurrection of Christ; and His Ascension                   (1877)
 7Red                 Redemption: or the Ministry of Peter and the Conversion of Saul                (1877)
 8Red                 Redemption: or the Teachings of Paul, and his Mission to the Gentiles          (1878)
 1SAT                 Sermons and Talks, Volume 1                                                    (1990)
 2SAT                 Sermons and Talks, Volume 2                                                    (1994)
 1SG                  Spiritual Gifts, Volume 1
 2SG                  Spiritual Gifts. Volume 2
 3SG                  Spiritual Gifts. Volume 3
 4aSG                 Spiritual Gifts. Volume 4a
 4bSG                 Spiritual Gifts. Volume 4b
 1SP                  The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 1
 2SP                  The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 2
 3SP                  The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 3
 4SP                  The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4
 Advance              The Advance                                                                    (1899)
 Advocate             The Advocate                                                                   (1899)
 ApM                  An Appeal to Mothers
 AUCR                 Australasian Union Conference Record                                           (1898)
 AUGleaner            Atlantic Union Gleaner                                                         (1902)
 AustYouth            Our Australasian Youth and Sabbath School Guide                                (1888)
 AY                   An Appeal to the Youth
 Banner               East Michigan Banner                                                           (1905)
 BCL                  Battle Creek Letters                                                           (1928)
 BEcho                The Bible Echo                                                                 (1892)
 BEcho                Australasian Signs of the Times                                                (1903)
 BEcho                Bible Echo and Signs of the Times                                              (1886)
 BOE                  The Beginning of the End                                                       (2007)
 Broadside1           To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad                                         (1846)
 Broadside2           To Those who are receiving the seal of the living God                          (1849)
 Broadside3           A Vision                                                                       (1847)
 BTS                  Bible Training School Article                                                  (1905)
 BTS                  Bible Training School                                                          (1902)
 Bulletin             Church and Sabbath School Bulletin                                             (1899)
 Canvasser            The Atlantic Canvasser                                                         (1890)
 Caterer              The Hygienic Caterer                                                           (1902)
 CentralAdvance       The Central Advance                                                            (1903)
 ChristianEducation   Christian Education                                                            (1909)
 ChristianEducator    The Christian Educator                                                         (1897)
 CME                  A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education
 CollegeRecord        (Battle Creek) College Record                                                  (1878)
 CSFLD                Character Sketches from the Life of Daniel
 CUM                  The Canadian Union Messenger                                                   (1907)
 DD                   Darkness Before Dawn
 DS                   The Day-Star                                                                   (1846)
 Echoes               Echoes From the Field                                                          (1905)
 EducationalMessenger The Educational Messenger                                                      (1908)
 EP                   From Eternity Past
 ExV                  A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
 ExV54                Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
 FH                   From the Heart                                                                 (2010)
 FPR                  Forest Park Reporter                                                           (1879)
 Gazette              The Church Officers’ Gazette                                                   (1914)
 GC88                 The Great Controversy 1888                                                     (1888)
 GCB                  The General Conference Bulletin                                                (1895)
 GCDB                 General Conference Daily Bulletin                                              (1891)
 GH                   The Gospel Herald                                                              (1898)
 GH                   The Southern Missionary                                                        (1903)
 GH                   The Gospel Herald                                                              (1905)
 GMM                  Gospel Medical Messenger                                                       (1913)
 GosHealth            The Gospel of Health                                                           (1897)
 GrH_c                The Great Hope (Condensed)                                                     (2012)
 GS                   The Good Samaritan                                                             (1859)
 GW92                 Gospel Workers 1892                                                            (1892)
 HB                   Homeward Bound                                                                 (2015)
 HDL                  Help In Daily Living
 HF                   From Here to Forever
 HFM                  The Health Food Ministry
 HH                   Humble Hero                                                                    (2009)
 HL                   Healthful Living
 HLv                  From Heaven With Love
 HM                   The Home Missionary                                                            (1889)
 HM                   The Missionary Magazine                                                        (1898)
 HR                   Good Health                                                                    (1880)
 HR                   The Health Reformer                                                            (1866)
 HS                   Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
 IR                   The Indiana Reporter                                                           (1903)
 KC                   The Kress Collection                                                           (1985)
 LF                   Love Under Fire                                                                (2011)
 LLM                  Loma Linda Messages                                                            (1981)
 LP                   Sketches from the Life of Paul
 LS80                 Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1880
 LS88                 Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1888
 LSMS                 Life Sketches Manuscript                                                       (1915)
 LUH                  Lake Union Herald                                                              (1908)
 MC                   Manual for Canvassers
 MedEv                The Medical Evangelist                                                         (1909)
 Messenger            The Messenger                                                                  (1892)
 MHH                  The Ministry of Health and Healing                                             (2004)
 MinnWorker           The Minnesota Worker                                                           (1900)
 MissWorker           The Mssionary Worker                                                           (1902)
 MMis                 The Medical Missionary                                                         (1891)
 MMR                  Monthly Missionary Reading                                                     (1908)
 MR1033               Manuscript Release No 1033                                                     (1983)
 MR311                The Remnant Church; Its Organization, Authority, Unity, and Triumph            (1934)
 MR728                Manuscript Release No. 728 - How the Desire of Ages was Written                (1979)
 MR760                Manuscript Release No. 760 - The Integrity of the Sanctuary Truth              (1981)
 MR852                Manuscript Release No. 852 - The Development of Adventist Thinking on Clean    (1981)
 MR926                Manuscript Release No. 926 - The Fannie Bolton Story                           (1982)
 NebRep               The Nebraska Reporter                                                          (1905)
 Needs                The Needs of the Cause in Australasia                                          (1903)
 NIRec                The Northern Illinois Recorder                                                 (1909)
 NPUGleaner           North Pacific Union Gleaner                                                    (1907)
 NUReaper             The Northern Union Reaper                                                      (1907)
 NYI                  The New York Indicator                                                         (1900)
 Outlook              The Central Union Outlook                                                      (1913)
 OW                   The Oriental Watchman                                                          (1909)
 PC                   The Paulson Collection of Ellen G. White Letters                               (1985)
 PCO                  A Place Called Oakwood                                                               
 PCP                  Peter's Counsel to Parents
 PH001                An Appeal                                                                      (1882)
 PH002                Appeal and Suggestions to Conference Officers                                  (1893)
 PH004                An Appeal for Missions                                                         (1898)
 PH005                An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields                (1933)
 PH007                An Appeal to Our Churches in Behalf of Home Missionary Work                    (1896)
 PH008                An Appeal in Behalf of Our Work in Scandinavia                                 (1900)
 PH009                An Appeal in Behalf of Our New Medical College                                 (1911)
 PH010                An Appeal to Ministers and Church Officers                                     (1908)
 PH011                Appeal to the Battle Creek Church                                              (1870)
 PH012                An Appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to Fulfil Their Duty to the South          (1909)
 PH013                Appeal to the Young                                                            (1874)
 PH014                Appeals for Unity                                                              (1912)
 PH015                Brother Aldrich                                                                (1869)
 PH016                To Brother J. N. Andrews And Sister H. N. Smith                                (1860)
 PH019                A Call to Service in the Masters Harvest Field                                 (1907)
 PH020                A Call to the Watchmen                                                         (1910)
 PH022                Choice Thoughts on Dress                                                       (????)     
 PH026                Do You Eat Flesh?                                                              (????)      
 PH028                Elder Daniels and the Fresno Church                                            (1890)
 PH029                The Enlargement of Our Work                                                    (1893)
 PH030                An Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness                                       (1885)
 PH031                Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods                 (????)      
 PH036                Guiding Principles for the Young                                               (????)      
 PH037                Hillcrest School Farm                                                          (1909)
 PH038                Important Testimony                                                            (1903)
 PH039                An Important Testimony to our Brethren and Sisters in New York                 (1887)
 PH040                Instruction Concerning Education                                               (1881)
 PH043                The Judgment                                                                   (1879)
 PH045                Knowing and Obeying the Lord                                                   (1895)
 PH048                Living by Principle                                                            (1898)
 PH049                Loma Linda’s Work                                                              (????)      
 PH050                Messages to Young People                                                       (????)
 PH054                I Will Guide Thee                                                              (1904)
 PH055                Our Work in Washington D. C.                                                   (1905)
 PH058                Perils Increase Till Jesus Comes                                               (????)
 PH061                Progress of Work at Loma Linda                                                 (1912)
 PH066                Health, Philanthropic, and Medical Missionary Work                             (1896)
 PH067                The Removal to Washington                                                      (1903)
 PH068                Rolling Back the Reproach                                                      (1900)
 PH069                The Sanitarium Patients at Goguac Lake                                         (1878)
 PH070                The Selection of Articles for our Papers                                       (1899)
 PH078                Sowing Beside All Waters                                                       (1912)
 PH079                Special Instruction Regarding Royalties                                        (1899)
 PH080                Special Instruction Relating to The Review and Herald Office                   (1896)
 PH081                Special Testimonies on Church Schools                                          (1898)
 PH082                Special Testimonies Relating to Medical Missionary Work                        (1893)
 PH083                Special Testimony Relative to Tract and Missionary Societies                   (1881)
 PH084                Special Testimonies - Relating to Various Matters in Battle Creek              (1894)
 PH085                Special Testimony for the Battle Creek Church                                  (1869)
 PH086                Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church                                       (1898)
 PH087                Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church                                       (1897)
 PH088                Special Testimony to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions              (1898)
 PH089                Spiritual Advancement the Object of Camp-Meetings                              (1897)
 PH090                Statement and Appeal                                                           (1904)
 PH092                Suggestions to Those Holding Missionary Conventions                            (1903)
 PH093                The Temperance Work                                                            (1908)
 PH094                Testimonies and Experiences Connected with the Loma Linda Sanitarium and CME   (1905)
 PH095                Testimonies and Experiences Connected With The Loma Linda Sanitarium           (1906)
 PH096                Testimonies on the Case of Elder E. P. Daniels                                 (1890)
 PH097                Testimony for the Church at Battle Creek                                       (1868)
 PH098                Testimony for the Church at Olcott, N. Y.                                      (1868)
 PH099                Testimony for the Churches at Allegan & Monterey                               (1869)
 PH100                Testimony for the Physicians and Helpers of the Sanitarium                     (1879)
 PH101                Testimony Relative to Marriage Duties, and Extremes in The Health Reform       (1869)
 PH102                Testimonies on Fair Dealing and Book Royalties                                 (????)
 PH104                Testimony To the Brethren in Western New York                                  (1875)
 PH105                There Is Help in God                                                           (1898)
 PH107                To Whom it May Concern                                                         (1869)
 PH109                A View of the Conflict                                                         (1903)
 PH113                Words of Encouragement to Self-supporting Workers                              (1909)
 PH114                The Work Among the Jews                                                        (????)      
 PH116                The Writing and Sending Out of the Testimonies to the Church                   (1913)
 PH117                Testimony for the Battle Creek Church                                          (1882)
 PH118                Address To Ministers                                                           (1892)
 PH119                An Appeal for the Madison School                                               (1908)
 PH120                The Time and The Work                                                          (1919)
 PH122                To Our Bookmen                                                                 (1913)
 PH123                Testimony to the Church at Battle Creek                                        (1872)
 PH124                What Shall We Teach?                                                                 
 PH126                And Their Cry Came Up Unto God                                                 (1904)
 PH127                Appeal To Our People in America in Behalf of the Nashville Publishing House    (1902)
 PH128                Backsliding in Health Reform                                                   (1908)
 PH129                A Big Surprise Party                                                           (1905)
 PH130                Camp-Meetings Their Object, and How to Conduct Them                            (1900)
 PH131                Church Schools                                                                 (1899)
 PH132                The Curse of the Liquor Traffic                                                (????)
 PH133                Danger in Adopting Worldly Policy in the Work of God                           (1892)
 PH134                The Dress Reform                                                               (1868)
 PH135                God’s Plan for the Relief of Avondale School                                   (1900)
 PH136                Gospel Temperance Work                                                         (????)      
 PH137                Health and Healing                                                             (1930)
 PH138                The Health Reform and the Health Institute                                     (1872)
 PH139                The Relief of the Schools                                                      (1900)
 PH140                Home and Church School Manual                                                  (1900)
 PH141                The Liquor Traffic Working Counter to Christ                                   (????)
 PH142                Notes on Health and Temperance Topics                                          (????)
 PH143                The $150,000 Fund                                                              (1906)
 PH144                The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy                                         (1931)
 PH145                Recreation                                                                     (1912)
 PH146                Report of Special Meeting                                                      (1898)
 PH147                The Sanitarium Must Not be Cramped                                             (1907)
 PH148                The Second Tithe                                                               (1901)
 PH149                Sel. from Testimonies to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions          (1923)
 PH150                Sel. from the Testimonies Setting forth Important Principles                   (1898)
 PH151                Sel. from the Testimonies for the Church For the Study of Those Attending      (1903)
 PH152                Special Testimonies Concerning the Work and Workers in the Pacific Press       (1897)
 PH153                Special Testimony on Canvassing for Christ’s Object Lessons                    (????)
 PH154                Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church                                       (1896)
 PH155                Special Testimony to the Battle Creek Church                                   (1882)
 PH156                Special Testimony to the Brethren in Battle Creek                              (1898)
 PH157                Special Testimony to the Oakland and Battle Creek Churches                     (1897)
 PH158                Testimonies Relating to Emmanuel Missionary College and Its Work               (????)
 PH159                Testimony to the Church                                                        (1872)
 PH160                To Conference Officers                                                         (1904)
 PH161                To Conference Officers and Managers of Our Schools                             (1901)
 PH162                To the Leading Men of Our Churches                                             (1898)
 PH163                To Those in Charge of the Colored Orphanage Enterprise                         (1909)
 PH164                Words of Encouragement to Workers in the Home Missionary Field                 (1904)
 PH165                Ext. from Recent Letters from Sister White Relative to Medical Missionary Work (1893)
 PH166                Special on Tithing                                                             (????)
 PH167                Counsels to Physicians and Medical Students                                    (1885)
 PH168                In Memoriam: A Sketch of the Last Sickness and Death of Elder James White      (1881)
 PH169                The Sufferings of Christ                                                       (1869)
 PHJ                  Life and Health                                                                (1905)
 PHJ                  Pacific Health Journal                                                         (1897)
 PrT                  The Present Truth (UK)                                                         (1885)
 PT                   The Present Truth                                                              (1849)
 PUR                  Pacific Union Recorder                                                         (1901)
 RH                   The Review and Herald, Volume 1                                                (1851)
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 2 
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 3 
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 4 
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 5 
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 6 
                      The Review and Herald, Volume 7 
 RP                   Report of Progress                                                             (1907)
 RP                   Southern Union Worker                                                          (1913)
 RR                   Royalty and Ruin                                                               (2008)
 SA                   A Solemn Appeal
 San                  Sanitarium Announcement                                                        (1900)
 SFEcho               Southern Field Echo                                                            (1909)
 SHM-apx              The Story of Our Health Message                                                (1955)
 SITI                 The Signs of the Times Articles                                                (1929)
 SpM                  Spalding and Magan Collection                                                  (1985)
 SpTA01a              Special Testimony for Our Ministers                                            (1892)
 SpTA01b              An Appeal to Our Ministers and Conference Committees                           (1903)
 SpTA02a              Special Testimony to Our Ministers--No. 2                                      (1892)
 SpTA02b              Danger in Adopting Worldly Policy in the Work of God                           (1892)
 SpTA03               Special Testimonies to Ministers and Workers--No. 3                            (1895)
 SpTA04               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 4                           (1895)
 SpTA05               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 5                           (1896)
 SpTA06               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 6                           (1896)
 SpTA07               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 7                           (1897)
 SpTA08               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 8                           (1897)
 SpTA09               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 9                           (1897)
 SpTA10               Special Testimonies for Ministers and Workers--No. 10                          (1897)
 SpTA11               Special Testimony for Ministers and Workers--No. 11                            (1898)
 SpTA12               A Message to Our Physicians                                                    (1905)
 SpTB01               Letters to Physicians and Ministers                                            (1903)
 SpTB02               TC Containing Letters to Physicians and Ministers Instruction                  (1904)
 SpTB03a              Letters to Sanitarium Workers in Southern California                           (1905)
 SpTB03b              Letters from Ellen G. White to Sanitarium Workers in Southern California--b    (1905)
 SpTB03c              Letters From Ellen G. White To Sanitarium Workers in Southern California--c    (1905)
 SpTB04               Testimonies for the Church Regarding the Spirit of Unity                       (1905)
 SpTB05               Record of Progress and An Appeal In Behalf of the Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium  (1905)
 SpTB06               TC Regarding our Youth Going to Battle Creek Obtain An Education               (1905)
 SpTB07               TC Containing Messages of Warning and Instruction to                           (1906)
 SpTB08               TC Regarding The Strengthening of Our Institutions and Training                (1907)
 SpTB09               TC Regarding Individual Responsibility and Christian Unity                     (1907)
 SpTB10               Jehovah Is Our King                                                            (1907)
 SpTB11               The Madison School                                                             (1908)
 SpTB12               The Oakwood Manual Training School                                             (1908)
 SpTB12x              The Huntsville School                                                          (1909)
 SpTB13               The New England Sanitarium                                                     (1908)
 SpTB14               The Paradise Valley Sanitarium                                                 (1909)
 SpTB15               Letters from Ellen G. White to Sanitarium Workers                              (1911)
 SpTB16               Sel. from the Testimonies for Students and Workers of our Sanitariums          (1911)
 SpTB17a              The Unwise Use of Money and the Spirit of Speculation                          (1911)
 SpTB17b              The Purchase of Land at Loma Linda and Letters from Mrs. E. G. White           (1912)
 SpTB18               The Nashville Sanitarium                                                       (1912)
 SpTB19               The Spirit of Sacrifice                                                        (1913)
 SpTEd                Special Testimonies On Education
 SS                   From Splendor to Shadow
 SSW                  Sabbath-School Worker                                                          (1885)
 ST                   The Signs of the Times, Book 1                                                 (1874)
                      The Signs of the Times, Book 2 
                      The Signs of the Times, Book 3 
 STJ                  Steps to Jesus                                                                 (1981)
 SW                   The Southern Watchman                                                          (1901)
 SW                   The Southern Review                                                            (1898)
 SW                   The Watchman                                                                   (1905)
 SWk                  The Southern Work
 TEd                  True Education                                                                 (2000)
 Tidings              Field Tidings                                                                  (1910)
 TMS                  The Madison School                                                             (1908)
 TR                   True Revival
 TrueMiss             The True Missionary                                                            (1874)
 TSA                  Testimonies to Southern Africa
 TSDF                 Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
 TT                   From Trials to Triumph
 ULe                  Unlikely Leaders                                                               (2010)
 Visitor              The Columbia Union Visitor                                                     (1912)
 WB                   The Workers’ Bulletin                                                          (1902)
 WGD                  With God at Dawn                                                               (1949)
 WIMessenger          West Indian Messenger                                                          (1912)
 WLF                  A Word to the Little Flock
 WMHerald             The West Michigan Herald                                                       (1902)
 WR                   The Wisconsin Reporter                                                         (1909)
 YHH                  Your Home and Health                                                           (????)
 YI                   The Youth’s Instructor                                                         (1852)
|                                                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                   | 
|-------------------------------------- E N G L I S H -----------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------- F R A N Ç A I S -----------------------------| |----------------------------- E S P A Ñ O L ------------------------------| |------------------------ P O R T U G U Ê S ------------------------| 
|                                                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                   | 
                                                                                                              CVQ  Conseils pour la vie quotidienne                               (1966)
                                                                                                              PFC  Principes de Foi Chrétienne
                                                                                                              RS   Rayons de Santé
                                                                                                              VJC  La Vie de Jésus-Christ
|                                                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                   | 
|-------------------------------------- E N G L I S H -----------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------- F R A N Ç A I S -----------------------------| |----------------------------- E S P A Ñ O L ------------------------------| |------------------------ P O R T U G U Ê S ------------------------| 
|                                                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                          | |                                                                   | 
                                                                                                                                                                                           1TS     Testimonios Selectos, Tomo 1
                                                                                                                                                                                           2TS     Testimonios Selectos, Tomo 2
                                                                                                                                                                                           3TS     Testimonios Selectos, Tomo 3
                                                                                                                                                                                           4TS     Testimonios Selectos, Tomo 4
                                                                                                                                                                                           5TS     Testimonios Selectos, Tomo 5
                                                                                                                                                                                           ANH     Aprendiendo de Nuestra Historia
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     El ministerio de la Alimentación Saludable                  (????)
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     En el Umbral del Fin del Tiempo                             (????)
                                                                                                                                                                                           IR      La Iglesia Remanente
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     Felicidad y Armonia en el Hogar                             (????)
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     Secretos para la Felicidad                                  (????)
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     Seguridad y Paz en el Conflicto de los Siglos               (????)
                                                                                                                                                                                           ???     Un Llamado al Evangelismo Médico                            (????)
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|-------------------------------------- E N G L I S H -----------------------------------------------------| |---------------------------- F R A N Ç A I S -----------------------------| |----------------------------- E S P A Ñ O L ------------------------------| |------------------------ P O R T U G U Ê S ------------------------| 
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